Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby it's getting cold outside -- Baby Leg Warmers!

After a fantastic summer with beautiful weather, I'm about ready for cooler days, warm sweaters and huge mugs of hot drinks!  My only concern?  How do you dress an 8 month old for really cool mornings and evenings with warmer afternoons without making the poor kid too bulky?  Layering is always a good idea, and simple to do on top, but what about those little legs?

I came across baby leg warmers completely by accident when I was looking on Kijiji at the baby stuff.  Someone was selling their daughter's used Baby Legs leg warmers.  Ok, so the purple one was probably a little too girlie for my son, but for the price, I couldn't resist trying them (they were only $5 a pair).  I have been in love with them ever since!

They fit from ankle to thigh with room to grow and make it really easy to do a diaper change without freezing his little legs off.  Worn under pants, they provide an extra layer of warmth that can easily be pulled off, without removing the pants if the weather warms up.  They're also great at providing some protection from the ground for his little knees.  I am no longer worried about my little guy showing too much ankle this winter, since I know his leg warmers has got him covered!  Live in a warm climate? No worries!  Baby Legs protect your child's knees while you let her crawl around in just a diaper!

Baby Legs is just one of many brands of baby leg warmers.  The monkey leg warmers seen above were crafted by Jennifer at Sew Crafty Baby.  They are similar in length to the Baby Legs, but have a more substantial bottom cuff, and seem to be more stretchy.  I get a lot of complements on these!!

All in all, I think baby leg warmers are an absolute necessity for colder climates, and a really cute accessory for warmer ones!  Check out Etsy or Hyena Cart for some WAHM leg warmers, or go to the bigger stores for more name brands!

New Mama Thinks...

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Nicola and a wonderful idea. Every new mother needs information, help and support. And it gives you an outlet too.

    Also I love the pictures of the incredibly gorgeous grand-nephew of mine.

    Love to all,

